The all-in-one space to manage your courses, lectures, readings, assessments and tasks.
Remove disorganised digital systems and stress from your life by bringing clarity to your studies through an ordered and intentional digital structure.
The student dashboard includes:
✔️ Overview page to track all your courses by semester
✔️ Structured template for each course that automatically populates with tagged lectures, readings, assessments and tasks
✔️ Overview page to track all your lectures by calendar view
✔️ Auto-generated template for each lecture that includes a zone to store your lecture notes and active recall questions
✔️ Tag your knowledge rating for each lecture and spaced repetition formulas will tell you when you should review it next
✔️ Dedicated space repetition page so you can focus on the lectures that need attention
✔️ Automatically generated calendar for all assessments
✔️ Assessment due date reminders upcoming, overdue or submitted assessments so you always stay on top of the game
✔️ Dedicated task page categorised by course
✔️ Structured task views to show tasks by due today, tomorrow, yesterday, overdue, all upcoming, no due date and all tasks
✔️ Guide on how to setup the dashboard