Mastering Notion Formulas: A Step-by-Step Guide for Efficient Usage

Learn how to effectively use formulas in Notion with our comprehensive guide. Unlock the power of formulas to maximize efficiency and organization.
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How to Use Formulas in Notion

Notion is a powerful all-in-one Workspace that offers a wide range of features to help you create and organize your digital Workspace. One of the most powerful features of Notion is the ability to use formulas in databases, allowing you to perform calculations and manipulate data right within your Workspace.

Formulas in Notion can be used in various ways, such as calculating totals, averages, dates, and even automating tasks based on specific conditions. In this article, we will explore the basics of using Formulas in Notion and provide you with some useful examples.

Understanding Formulas in Notion

Formulas in Notion are written using a syntax similar to spreadsheet formulas. They allow you to perform calculations on data within a database and display the results in a separate column. Notion uses a custom formula language called "Notion Formula," which includes a set of functions and operators for manipulating data.

Using Formulas in Databases

To use Formulas in Notion, you first need to create a database or open an existing one. In the database properties, you can add a new formula column by clicking on the "+" button next to the existing columns. Once you've added a formula column, you can start writing your formulas.

Basic Formulas

Formulas in Notion can include a combination of functions, operators, and Values. Here are some examples of basic formulas you can use:

  • SUM: To calculate the sum of a range of numbers, use sum(numbers). For example, sum(prop("Numbers")) will calculate the sum of the "Numbers" column in your database.
  • AVERAGE: To calculate the average of a range of numbers, use mean(numbers). For example, mean(prop("Numbers")) will calculate the average of the "Numbers" column in your database.
  • COUNT: To count the number of items in a range, use count(items). For example, count(prop("Items")) will count the number of items in the "Items" column.
  • DATE: To display the current date, use now(). For example, now() will display the current date in the formula column.

Advanced Formulas

Notion's formula language also supports more advanced calculations, such as conditional statements and date manipulations. Here are some examples of advanced formulas:

  • IF: To perform a conditional calculation, use if(condition, true_value, false_value). For example, if(prop("Status") == "Completed", "Done", "Not Done") will display "Done" if the "Status" column is "Completed" and "Not Done" otherwise.
  • DATEDIFF: To calculate the difference between two dates, use dateBetween(start_date, end_date, "unit"). For example, dateBetween(prop("Start Date"), prop("End Date"), "days") will calculate the number of days between the "Start Date" and "End Date" columns.
  • CONCAT: To concatenate strings, use concat(string1, string2). For example, concat(prop("First Name"), " ", prop("Last Name")) will concatenate the "First Name" and "Last Name" columns.

Implementing Formulas in Workflows

Using Formulas in Notion can greatly enhance your workflows and automate certain tasks. Here are some examples of how formulas can be implemented in your Workspace:

  1. Automatically Calculating Totals: By using the sum formula, you can automatically calculate the total of a set of numbers in a column. This can be useful for tracking expenses, sales, or any other numerical data.
  2. Conditional Formatting: By using the if formula, you can apply conditional formatting to your database rows based on specific criteria. For example, you can highlight overdue tasks or categorize items based on their status.
  3. Date-based Automations: By using date-related formulas, you can create date-driven automations. For instance, you can set up Reminders for upcoming events or automatically update certain Values based on the current date.


Formulas in Notion offer a powerful way to manipulate and calculate data within your Workspace. Whether you need to perform simple calculations or automate complex workflows, Notion's formula language provides the flexibility to meet your needs. By understanding the basics of formulas and exploring their various applications, you can unlock the full potential of Notion and create a more efficient and organized Workspace.

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