iBiz business blueprint

At iBiz, we believe that everyone has the potential to be a creator and build their own online business based on their unique talents and creativity. For those who need guidance on this journey, we have created a manual to help them reach their destination successfully. Our goal is to empower creators and help them achieve their dreams.

We believe that everyone is a creator and can have their own online business around their unique creativity.

But for some, all they need is just a manual that can lead them to their destination successfully.

This is what iBiz is created for.

For aspiring solopreneurs who don’t know where to get started;

For digital creators who are lost in the jungle of internet marketing; and

For all solopreneurs looking for solid product creation framework, which is duplicable for every new idea/project.

Although, this cannot be all-inclusive (as online business is so wide and complex) but we make it concise yet exhaustive enough that you’ll be able to set a clear path, start up an online business and move it to the finish line—serving people.


Some popular concepts incorporated throughout this board are:

  1. Start with Why by Simon Sinek (on motivation and leadership)
  2. The author of this book says, “People don’t buy what you do. They buy why you do it.” and we agree. In everything you create, you must understand your biggest WHYs or else you’ll struggle when you’re on the marketing phase because people are not resonating with your beliefs and therefore, are not buying. We have a dedicated section on knowing yourself, where you do all the necessary self-inventory including your biggest WHYs.
  3. Checklist Manifesto by Atul Gawande (on all worksheets)
  4. This book explains how checklists actually work to prompt striking and immediate improvements. It’s a simple remedy yet a very effective one on getting things right. We have defined the “clear pause points” for all phases and prepared the checklists for them. This board is littered with checklists to aid you every step of the way.


In a nutshell, there are only three key items you need to work on for any online business— MAP—which is an acronym for:

  1. M arketing (or Traffic) — this is your buyers and your communication with them
  2. A utomation — the tools you use to link your products with your buyers
  3. P roducts — what products/services you offer

We further dissected these core concepts into several chunks, so you won’t be overwhelmed working on them, we call this...

The I ALONE AM Framework

  1. I for I (me, myself and I), Inner (my core), Inventory yourself — know yourself so you can easily identify ideas for products and services that align with your values and beliefs
  2. A ttention — understand attention economy and how online business works
  3. L ist for list building — learn tribe building or followers gathering
  4. O ffer — create products and/or services for your tribe
  5. N iche — identify the specific market that you’ll serve
  6. E mail for email marketing — a crucial (if not the best) marketing strategy
  7. A utomation — build sales funnel and other online tools
  8. M arketing — master advertising and other marketing strategies

I alone am, spiritually means: “I, All-One, Am.” It’s a sense of knowing that whatever you do, it always comes back to you because you are all and, are one with all. Guided by this virtue, your business will be an open door for helping human race evolve and fostering group consciousness.

On personal level, it means, “I alone am is responsible.” “I create my own universe.” Taking accountability for all your actions is a potent ingredient for success.

It’s our hope that this board will be helpful for you in creating and kicking off your own online business, so that you can now lovingly share your unique service to the world.

Share. Give. Inspire.

Happy serving! 💕

iBiz business blueprint

At iBiz, we believe that everyone has the potential to be a creator and build their own online business based on their unique talents and creativity. For those who need guidance on this journey, we have created a manual to help them reach their destination successfully. Our goal is to empower creators and help them achieve their dreams.
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We believe that everyone is a creator and can have their own online business around their unique creativity.

But for some, all they need is just a manual that can lead them to their destination successfully.

This is what iBiz is created for.

For aspiring solopreneurs who don’t know where to get started;

For digital creators who are lost in the jungle of internet marketing; and

For all solopreneurs looking for solid product creation framework, which is duplicable for every new idea/project.

Although, this cannot be all-inclusive (as online business is so wide and complex) but we make it concise yet exhaustive enough that you’ll be able to set a clear path, start up an online business and move it to the finish line—serving people.


Some popular concepts incorporated throughout this board are:

  1. Start with Why by Simon Sinek (on motivation and leadership)
  2. The author of this book says, “People don’t buy what you do. They buy why you do it.” and we agree. In everything you create, you must understand your biggest WHYs or else you’ll struggle when you’re on the marketing phase because people are not resonating with your beliefs and therefore, are not buying. We have a dedicated section on knowing yourself, where you do all the necessary self-inventory including your biggest WHYs.
  3. Checklist Manifesto by Atul Gawande (on all worksheets)
  4. This book explains how checklists actually work to prompt striking and immediate improvements. It’s a simple remedy yet a very effective one on getting things right. We have defined the “clear pause points” for all phases and prepared the checklists for them. This board is littered with checklists to aid you every step of the way.


In a nutshell, there are only three key items you need to work on for any online business— MAP—which is an acronym for:

  1. M arketing (or Traffic) — this is your buyers and your communication with them
  2. A utomation — the tools you use to link your products with your buyers
  3. P roducts — what products/services you offer

We further dissected these core concepts into several chunks, so you won’t be overwhelmed working on them, we call this...

The I ALONE AM Framework

  1. I for I (me, myself and I), Inner (my core), Inventory yourself — know yourself so you can easily identify ideas for products and services that align with your values and beliefs
  2. A ttention — understand attention economy and how online business works
  3. L ist for list building — learn tribe building or followers gathering
  4. O ffer — create products and/or services for your tribe
  5. N iche — identify the specific market that you’ll serve
  6. E mail for email marketing — a crucial (if not the best) marketing strategy
  7. A utomation — build sales funnel and other online tools
  8. M arketing — master advertising and other marketing strategies

I alone am, spiritually means: “I, All-One, Am.” It’s a sense of knowing that whatever you do, it always comes back to you because you are all and, are one with all. Guided by this virtue, your business will be an open door for helping human race evolve and fostering group consciousness.

On personal level, it means, “I alone am is responsible.” “I create my own universe.” Taking accountability for all your actions is a potent ingredient for success.

It’s our hope that this board will be helpful for you in creating and kicking off your own online business, so that you can now lovingly share your unique service to the world.

Share. Give. Inspire.

Happy serving! 💕

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