Step-by-Step Guide: Creating a Book Tracker with Notion Template

Learn how to create a book tracker with a Notion template. Easily organize and track your reading progress. Start managing your books effectively today!
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How to Create a Book tracker Using Notion templates

Notion is a powerful all-in-one Workspace that allows you to create and customize templates for various purposes. One popular use case for Notion is tracking books. Whether you're an avid reader or just want to keep track of the books you've read or want to read, Notion provides a flexible and customizable solution. In this guide, we will walk you through the steps to create a Book tracker using Notion templates.

Step 1: Access Notion templates

Firstly, you need to access the Notion templates Gallery to find a suitable Book tracker template. The Templates Gallery contains a wide range of pre-designed templates created by the Notion community. To access the Templates Gallery, follow these steps:

  1. Open Notion and create a new page.
  2. Click on the "+" button at the top left corner of the page.
  3. In the drop-down menu, select "Templates" under "Build from scratch."

Step 2: Choose a Book tracker Template

Once you're in the Templates Gallery, search for Book tracker templates. You can either search specifically for "Book tracker" or browse through the various categories such as "Personal," "Productivity," or "Education."

When you find a Book tracker template that suits your needs, click on it to preview the template, read the description, and see how it's structured. If the template meets your requirements, click "Duplicate" to create your own copy.

Step 3: Customize the Book tracker

After duplicating the Book tracker template, you can start customizing it to fit your preferences. Notion allows you to easily modify the template by adding, deleting, or rearranging elements to match your own workflow. Here are a few customization options you might consider:

3.1. Add Book Details

By default, most Book tracker templates include fields for book title, author, genre, date read, and a rating system. However, you can add additional fields to capture more specific information about each book, such as publisher, ISBN, book cover image, or your personal review.

3.2. Create Filters and Views

Notion allows you to create filters and views using its powerful database features. Filters help you organize and sort your book collection based on specific criteria, such as unread books, favorite authors, or books read within a certain period. Views enable you to switch between different visualizations of your Book tracker, such as a table view, kanban board, or gallery view. Experiment with these features to find the layout that works best for you.

3.3. Track Reading Progress

If you're currently reading multiple books, it can be helpful to track your progress. Notion allows you to create custom fields to record the page or chapter you're on and add notes or thoughts as you go along.

3.4. Set Reading Goals and Deadlines

For avid readers, setting reading goals and deadlines can be a motivational tool. Notion enables you to create custom fields to set targets for the number of books you aim to read in a specific timeframe. You can also add Reminders or deadlines to keep yourself on track.

Step 4: Sync with Goodreads or Other Platforms

If you use platforms like Goodreads to track your reading, you can integrate them with Notion. Notion supports integrations with numerous apps and services, allowing you to import book data directly or sync your reading progress automatically. Explore the available integrations to streamline your book tracking process further.

Step 5: Utilize Additional Notion Features

Notion offers various features that enhance the book tracking experience. Here are a few ideas on how you can optimize your Book tracker:

  • Use inline databases to capture Quotes, Book recommendations, or favorite passages.
  • Employ linked databases to create a separate database for your book wishlist or a collection of your favorite book covers.
  • Utilize toggle lists or kanban boards to track your reading goals or challenges.
  • Create a calendar view to visualize your reading activities over time.
  • Incorporate tags to classify books based on themes, genres, or authors.

By leveraging these features, you can create a comprehensive Book tracker that suits your reading Habits and preferences.


With Notion's customizable templates and powerful database Functionality, you can easily create a Book tracker that meets your individual needs. Whether you're an avid reader looking to manage an extensive library or simply want to keep track of the books you've read or want to read, Notion provides a versatile solution. Experiment with different templates and features to design a Book tracker that helps you stay organized and motivated on your reading journey.

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